Reach out with your heart

Theoretically this is quite simple, but have you ever considered how much conscious thought, empathy, compassion and attention you actually have to put in to truly consider another's feelings?

Today, instead of just being nice... be thoughtful... consider what someone might have said to you this week, how much your appropriate response might mean to them and do that!

Touch their heart with yours.

One day you'll be grateful that someone did this for you!

"All I ever wanted was to reach out and touch another human being not just with my hands but with my heart."
~ Tahereh Mafi

With love

➡️ In a world where people are largely focused on themselves, if you'd like someone to be entirely, compassionately, completely focused on you; please learn more about working with me at ❤

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Self respect

Self respect... drop a ❤ if this resonates xx

“Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that’s real power.”

~ Clint Eastwood

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Speak kindly

Human relationships are formed on love, compassion, kindness and acceptance... agreed?

Following on from yesterday's post - in order to be compassion in action, we need to lead by example.

We can't expect people to know what our needs/love languages are if we don't express or clearly communicate that. If you've at least done so, then you know you've been open and honest and if they choose not to listen, or act, that's on them.

Humans learn best from direct experience. If you'd like to hear these things from someone, try out saying it to them first, because then they will know (without necessarily even realising it consciously) how wonderful and special it feels to have this said to them. They're then more likely to make use of those words in their own communicatation.

If you'd love to hear this, or similar, from anyone you know... be it family, friend, partner, lover, platonic person... it doesn't really matter...what matters is that in these few sentences, you will no doubt resonate with something you'd like to hear from someone.

So today I dare you! No, I double dare you...!!

- Find the one that resonates in your heart.
- Find an opportunity to authentically and genuinely say it to them.
- Sit back and take in the moment of how it lands and the joy it brings them.
- Say "thank you" in your mind for the opportunity to spread love, be kind and just be nice.
- Wait for the moment when that kindness comes full circle and you get to be the lucky recipient of basking in the joy of lovely, kind, gentle, genuine words.


• When can I see you
• You mean a lot to me
• I like being with you
• You make me smile
• Please hold me?
• I'm thinking of you
• Let's spend time together
• I miss you.../your smile/voice /hugs/company/kisses/cuddles
• I wanted to hear your voice
• I like who you are
• Can I have a hug?
• Thank you!

As part of your meditation time today, step inside yourself to ask your heart what it wishes it would hear, and who from, and then visualise saying that very thing to them... then go do it!

Report back 😁


With love,
Sue xx

➡️ Spread love, be nice and radiate kindness with me... ❤

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Gratefulness and Respect

“When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect toward others.” ~ Dalai Lama

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Set it free

I kid you not, when I say that I have been saying this phrase to myself ever since I was a young teenager, roughly 17 years old.

"If you love something, set it free.

If it comes back to you, it's yours.

If it doesn't, it never was."

This passage reminds us of releasing, letting go, letting God, practising non-attachment, letting what will be will be.

It brings us a level of freedom of attachment to the outcome, of attachment to the need of feeling a certain something in relation to something, someone, somewhere... whatever the something might be that we need to release.

The reason why it's such a helpful phrase is because we don't just say it once and it works!

We have to repeat it ourselves over and over again!!

Every time we stumble, we repeat it, we release, we find ourselves clinging, we find ourselves attaching, we find ourselves desperately needing something or someone.

Realising that whilst that can lift us up, it can also drag us down. So we repeat the phrase, we release, and so on, until we learn our lesson of how to release, let go, let God and trust that what will be, will be for our best.

We're human. We crave. We want. We need. And that's OK.

But if it brings us down, it's not for us. Letting go, loosens the grip of anxiety, fear, if even momentarily. Until we get more skilled at it. It takes practice, as with all things.

Valuing our peace of mind, our joy, our Light, our happiness, helps us to let it go easier and learn quicker.

I hope this helps you today.

With so much love,

Sue xxx

➡️ What are you attaching to? What's bringing you down? If you'd like someone to hold your hand, have your back and encourage you whilst you learn how to let go; please discover more about working with me at ❤

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Beach sprinting as therapy… it rocks!!

Ever since I was a child, the time when my body most "sang" was when I was sprinting.

Flat out, full speed, asking everything of my muscles, so that in a short burst of just a few hundred meters; I would push to the extreme limit... and then feel the utterly, completly visceral joy, wash over my body, because its been used to its full extent.

You can't often sprint nowadays... treadmills don't work and fields aren't fun.

But beautiful, endless, flat sand beaches... Oh my! What bliss!!

Barefoot, no limits, perfect surface underfoot and just sea, clouds, wind and unobstructed nature surrounding you...

- solitude

- ocean

- sprint

- physical/mental/emotional

... therapy; at its absolute best...

It's moments like this when I remember that it's so very easy for us to take our bodies for granted.

I am so unbelievably grateful that I have a body that functions, that allows me to enjoy myself, to have wonderful experiences and to enjoy the thrill of living, in a most basic, simple way 💜

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Jonathan Livingston Seagull at Woolacombe Beach

So nice of Jon to make himself available for this photo ;-)


"No matter how qualified or deserving we are, we will never reach a better life until we can imagine it for ourselves and allow ourselves to have it."

~ Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Richard Bach

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Preserve your energy for the right uses

With all your might, hold onto your energy. Preserve it, protect it, be wise with it.

So that you have it in store to carry out your most important tasks.

So that you have enough spare to carry yourself through the provocations,  the tough times, the challenges.

So that you have enough to share freely, abundantly and wholeheartedly with those who you choose, carefully, considerately, to be showered with your joy, your smiles, your kindness.

A Warrior of the Light strives to learn the difference.

With love 💛
Sue xxx

➡️ Be a warrior of the Light with me... ❤

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In all ways, be in love

Be kind.

With every part of your being, in every part of your day, emanate love - a very conscious act. A conscious choice to be, feel and behave in a loving way.

How that lands with others is up to them.

Your love is your gift.

Not only to them but to yourself too.

Because being a loving person in every way, changes you, your energy and the way you live your life in general.

Some will be wise enough to understand the value of your love.

Those who aren't, bless them, let them be, let them go.

Their inability to see that, is a weight for them to carry until one day, they're wise enough to realise it.

The the only weight you need on your heart is your own conscience of whether or not you were a "be-ing" of love.

With love 💛😉
Sue x

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Heavy days will come, don’t hold on to them

Shining your Light doesn't mean it has to be perpetually on. Sometimes it's going to splutter, falter, dim, go a little dull.

And that's OK.

Bow out gracefully and commit to come back fighting again tomorrow 👊

Tag someone who needs a little fire in their belly to boost them - remind them that they're strong enough, tough enough and driven enough to conquer anything - especially if you know they're not feeling that way today!

You don't know what others are going through, so just be nice, spread love and remember, kindness matters 💕

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(Stupidly Early) Sunday morning reading

What happens to your body when you wake it up at 5.30am every day of the week to go to the gym?

It gets you back (plus some) and wakes you up at 5am on Sunday... when there LITERALLY is no reason to be awake!!

Still, not complaining, I've had some peace and quiet to enjoy one of my favourite authors of all time

If you haven't read "Manual of the Warrior of Light" by Paulo Coelho yet, don't waste another second, it's quite brilliant (as are all of his books).

Happy Sunday all,
Sue xxx

➡️ Be a warrior of the Light with me... ❤

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Do not apologise for your joy!

Have you ever caught yourself apologising for doing something silly like laughing at something and then saying "Sorry", as if you're apologising for being silly?

Don't do it! Do not apologise for taking joy out of the little moments in life!

Life is hard.
Life is tough.
So if you find yourself singing along to the music, don't apologise!
If you find yourself giggling like a small kid, don't apologise!
If you find yourself car dancing, don't apologise!

Because the one sure thing in life is this:

The tough times will come.
The good times won't last.
And that is simply the eternal, cyclical process of being a human.

So, on the day that you find yourself singing in the kitchen.
Sing louder!
Sing like a crazy person!
Sing so that birds have to compete with you!


On the day that you can't remember what it feels like to sing - that's the day when you're going to need a reserve of joy stored deep within your soul, for later use.

Because on the day when life is so dark and you can't remember what it's like to break into dance, or smile, or laugh; you're going to need a store of joy to call upon to get through it all.

So when the universe blesses you with those tiny little opportunities to have abundant joy...


Live your life with joy as fully and deeply as you can, so that when there is no joy to be found in your life (and that will happen from time to time), at least you have something to remember, something to draw on, something to make you stronger, and something to remind you that the good times will return.

With so much love,
Sue xxx

➡️ If you'd like someone to have your back andhold a space for you whilst you bring back joy into your life, during challenging times, or times of struggle; please learn more about working with me at ❤

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Gratitude mantra

We haven't had a a mantra meditation for a little while.

Sit in your space, connect with your centre, connect with your inner light, connect with the energy all around you, connect with the universal abundance of love and just feel your heart chakra energy swell as you sit in gratitude.

Now this is very much about perspective, and about finding the good things life to be grateful for.

Just saying "Thank you" to yourself for the fact that that you're saying thank you because it's really quite easy to diminish the blessings and the gifts that you're given.

So this exercise is useful to highlight those moments to you.

Life in general is tough. It's not always plain sailing, so wherever you can, take the wins, because they are cumulative and they change who you are as a person, they change you into being someone who seeks out the most infinitesimal moments of gratitude, so that when tough stuff happens to you, you're skilled at still finding some good in it. And when good stuff happens to you, you derive the most possible pleasure from it, because you know how it feels to be deeply, humbly, profoundly grateful.

Enjoy x

With love,
Sue xxx

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Secret to happiness…

The secret to a happy life is filling it with those who not only push you to be better, but who make you laugh and smile, purely by being themselves!

Another epic gym sesh with this one... she takes no prisoners... but always has fun @charlston2424 💖

Ps. I promise we did NOT phone each other last night to coordinate gym outfits 🤣

PS. If you're a fitness minded individual, or want to be one(!) and are looking for support to help you overcome a block, fear, self-sabbotage or lack in motivation, please book a time to chat with me on my website: to find out how we can work together ❤

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Repeat offender? Take Chestnut Bud Bach Flower Remedy

If you've had your power stolen by someone else, an experience or an injury, you'll know how hard it is the rise from the ashes and rebuild yourself.

So please, don't let that happen again!

If you find yourself falling into the same "mistake" again amd again, take #ChestnutBud #BachFlowerRemedy.

There are no mistakes in life, only experiences we can learn from to level up and grow; the mistake is not taking the #wisdom from the situation and repeatedly falling into the same pattern again and again.

Chestnut Bud Bach Flower Remedy helps you to see the red flags in advance of potential "why didn't I see that coming?!" moment and helps you eek as much learning and self awareness from the experience as possible.

So today, meditate on a past experience in which you felt broken and torn down.
Reconnect as viscerally as possible with the way in which you rebuilt yourself; with particular emphasis on what it felt like the first time you genuinely smiled again and felt "you" again.
Hold onto that feeling, learn the lesson from the pain of the experience and remember:

No one's going to take your power today, it's far too precious!

With love,
Sue xxx

Ps. Visit my site to find out how we can work together to reclaim your power 💖

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Watch here to learn about the Willow Bach Flower Remedy...

This remedy will resonate if....

- You, or someone you know may say:

"Why is it happening to me?"
"I wish I could just catch a break"
"It's just my luck, these things alllllwaaaays happen to me"
"I am just seething with anger"
"You know, I really resent the way..."
"I just feel really bitter about the whole situation"
"I can't believe they could treat me like this"

It's OK if you're feeling this way!!!!!
Everyone has at some point.

The beauty is that now you know that the Bach Flower Remedy WILLOW can offer you a solution to feeling these emotions.

The strength that Willow can give you is the knowledge that this isn't happening to only you, it just feels that way right now.

Challenges are like the wind.
When you're feeling demoralised, tired, drained; that wind rips through you, tears off your leaves, rendering you powerless and exhausted, drained from all the strain.

Taking Willow Remedy helps you to feel that if the wind blows, you won't fall over. You'll go with it, you're flexible, you let it pass through you, and that, as with all challenges, this too shall pass.

So, When you're in the deep dark place, you wonder, why does this always happen to me, why is life so hard, just give me a bit of the good stuff... you can assure yourself:

- stuff happens to everyone
- you've got through tough times before, you can bend through this because it won't break you
- your strength comes from knowing that nothing is permanent and there are lessons that help us grow and change and level up as humans... that's why they happen to us, otherwise we'd just stagnateand never change, or learn, or be better.

I hope this helps someone you there xxx

Please give me a ❤ if you like this

Please tell me what you're feeling so I can show you the way out.

Much love
Sue x

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Keep getting up

Morning all!

It's strange, I created this post months ago and it was never the right time but today it popped into my mind and tomorrow you'll discover the Bach Flower Remedy that links this and all the posts this week together.

So for your meditation time today, link once more into your strength.

1. Connect with the Light
2. Focus on your Centre
3. Draw on your Inner Fire

= Feel strong, powerful, connected.

Repeat as necessary, as often as necessary :)

Tomorrow I'll post a video to explain it all.

In the meantime visit my site to watch the other videos already available

With love,
Sue 💛 xxx

#10minutes #meditation #thoughtoftheday
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Following on from yesterday's quote... ❤ if this one gets you!

Clearly something is speaking to me of women power this week... these messages just really resonated with me so I wanted to share them for whomever needed to hear them.

As I typed this up for my private daily 10am meditation group, I received not 1, not 2, but 3 private messages to say how this was just what they needed to hear today.

So I hope this lands with you too!

Please remember...

1. You are stronger than you know.
2. This will NOT break you, it WILL make you.
3. Don't cast your pearls before swine. If they don't value you, they don't get to enjoy your treasures.

Please watch out for the next video that will tell you which Bach Flower Remedies can help you if you're feeling this way... or if need to feel this way!

In the meantime visit my site to watch the other videos already available

”They whispered to her, you cannot withstand the storm. She whispered back, I am the storm.”

With love,
Sue 💛 xxx

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